Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Evil Kim Evil Interview

Originally meant to be included in the Asking Artists Questions series but became too big for it's britches and got it's own post! 
I was provided with artworks and now it just looks like a cool little zine. 
So thanks EVIL KIM EVIL for letting me pester you about art related nonsense!

If you haven't seen the Zine Swap I did with EKE, check it out HERE!!!!

How has it been for you as an artist?

It's been a wild ride! I come from an extralunar plane in Galaxy Zero, which is a long way from Earth. There, we are all rockstars. One day, I was playing a solo as a crowd of other creatures cheered and threw me the devilhorns. 

I jumped sky high and . . . accidentally exited the extralunar plane, winding up in SPACE (I was using a wireless guitar doohickey). 

Fortunately, I got picked up by a passing space ship. They were going to Earth to cool off in Antartica. They told me they could not return me to the extralunar plane, but they could loan me a human costume. 

I ended up disguising myself as a tiny human, showing up at midnight during a rainy California spring in 1979. Two years later, I was transported to Baltimore where I continued to learn the Earthling ways. 
I began making art, music and writings as soon as this planet would allow. I am still adapting to life on Earth. Removing my human costume has helped a lot. Now the Earthlings see me for who I am and I can talk more openly about my history.

Your first Triumph?

Being a rockstar on the extralunar plane was a constant triumph. But I'll talk about life on this planet because this is for Earthling audience.

When I was in the humans third grade, I wrote and published my first novel, making all the copies by hand and doing all the cover art. It was a humans "zine," but I did not know this then. It was popular at the humans school so I wrote another one, then published poetry in a humans "lit mag," was interviewed by an Earthling journalist, went to humans "Young Writers Workshop" at Chautauqua, won art contests at humans state fair (even in adult humans division!), began playing humans guitar and making songs in the humans languages, started a zine that would publish anything submitted, left humans high school and TA'd writing class at humans college. 

As music dragonoid, I have chosen the underground. I am not accepted in humans society and I will not be anything other than myself. I will not sacrifice my creative freedom to please the humans. So I am DIY. I have played shows in almost half of states in humans "U.S." plus a Canadian province! All as a weirdo one man band with barely any social media presence! I've made many records! And gotten to make music with Earthlings from famous Earthling bands - Stooges, Dead Kennedys and Controllers
And met a lot of amazing humans, humans bands and other creature bands while touring and not touring! The bands I love the most are unknown, out there pushing boundaries right now and doing new creative things. I am on my own path and all Earthlings are equal in my eyes.

Your first Roadblock?

Ejecting myself from the extralunar plane was a big roadblock. But as for life on Earth . . .
From the very beginning, my art and writings were considered wrong for depicting violence - the same things that exist in human societies and on human tv's. I was not allowed to be in humans "school plays," which hurt me because I loved to perform, and I was sent to humans "child psychiatrist." 

Humans family was violent, starting when we moved to Baltimore. That got worse. And then I was not allowed to do art. Not until I was "adult human" and then not until I could afford supplies for it.
I did the last 2 years of humans college at a school with evaluations and a final project for the whole last year. All was good until, in my writing, I exposed humans violence against me. At that point, my academic options were severely restricted, the evaluations were used to attack me personally (as opposed to academically) and my final project was assigned a title that was meant to insult and discredit me. This put me in a tough place because I was also still dealing with violence from my humans family. And the humans high school had had the same reaction to me - chose not to give me a diploma and for no logical reason. 

I had just found out that my humans "family" had used a fake social security number for me for my entire time on Earth. This made it hard to get humans jobs and get paid in humans money to pay humans bills. 

So I wound up in a bad situation that took nearly two decades to escape. At that point, I started eating humans.

I still don't understand them.

Is there a specific influence that has never 
lost it's charm and potency for you?

The music of my home galaxy, and of the extralunar plane in particular. Humans would not understand. I have also always loved the first humans rock and roll music, played by its inventors. This was my first love on Earth.

How do you go about setting Art Goals?

I eat art mixed with other materials and then vomit. I give the Earthlings that.

How do you work? Everyday? In Spurts?

I work on my projects when I am not hunting and eating humans.
How many different mediums have you tried so far?
All humans mediums! Guitar, songwriting, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, painting, drawing, sculpture, comics, film, photography, acting, dancing, comedy, costume design, wacky unskilled drumming and other humans mediums too! 

I make all my own merch and do all the recording. I do street art. I've also played other humans instruments, like their bagpipes and keys. I'm a one man band - I stand on the drum pedals while playing guitar - making sloppy noisy punk metal . . . thing! It has spanned many genres, but it's always a little weird. Not pleasant to the ears of humans.

What is something you struggle with 
or never have been able to get the hang of?

Communications with humans. Essential to doing anything in human society. 

But I come from another place. I'm a dragonoid. I also get distracted by how tasty they look to me.

What was your first Art Sale?

4,996 years ago, I sold a painted banana peel to a five-headed glooogmuush on the extralunar plane. 

Who are your favourite artists right now?

Many! Some bands to check out if you're a human or other sentient being - these are bands I've recently played shows with, seen live, or encountered on humans internet: Psy Op, Frida Kill, LeRiske, Manoz Zuziaz, Consumer, Trunk, Keefchamber, Constituents, M.A.L.A., D. Selvagi (one man gang!), Andy Warpigs, The Owen Guns, Landis Harry Larry, Non Residents, Powerwasher . . . Plus! Trust (the French metal band), The Amazing One Man Band, Newtown Neurotics . . . just to name a few! I listen to many bands. Many Earthling bands.

I also have a soft spot for 80's radio metal because it was the first metal I encountered on Earth and I am a rockstar just like those humans. I have been returning to this in the past decade - it brings comfort in uncertain times. 80's pop and hip hop too. When I was new to Earth, the radio was my best friend. It taught me a lot about Earthling society.

I have a weird fixation on 80's Helloween, but so do a lot of Earthlings.

If you've worked conventions/events/art faires which were your favourite ones so far?

Humans music shows are best for art tables - punk shows, metal shows, ALL UNDERGROUND SHOWS! I love and support all genres of humans music. 

Have you met, spoken to, or 
befriended any of your idols/heroes?


Any final words to new and upcoming artists 
about to enter the Hellscape that we exist within?

Follow your inspiration and do what you want to do!

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