Sunday, November 20, 2022


I found smol_bb on Zines Reddit when she uploaded her first batch of panels from her mini comic "CARDS" and then found her on Instagram shortly after. 

Contacted her about CARDS, asked if it would become a mini comic, and then suggested a zine swap (something I just had found out about and was trying to do with every zinester I liked since I had just released KYOOTI PIES). She agreed and a week later we ended up snail mailing some goodies. 

Her first package got lost in the mail, and the wait was hellish, but when the second package arrived all the anticipation exploded into happiness. I was so happy to be holding these things in my hands, as well as an Original Art Piece!!! (as seen above ^^^) So cool.

A quick breakdown of the Zines...

CARDS: I like History, Archaeology, and languages so this made me laugh a bit harder than someone else might. I've read so many things debunking 'Scientific' or 'Historical' facts left and right, new finds completely changing the way we view things, and even a Star Trek Voyager episode where they 'Re-Created' a Historical Scene from Data and it had all these inaccuracies. The difference is those were seen as Ancient sources, just like human history is to us, but the Aliens had Eradicated Humanity only 7 years ago and even with Human Museums they couldn't figure out what Humanity was like. Maybe all they found were memes. Anyways, you experience a 'Historian' go through a wacky Human Display onstage with a curator and man it looks so fun. Way better than Magic The Gathering I can tell you that. 

Affirmations For Your Monsters: Came for the Art, Stayed for the Truth. I agree with each point made. If you follow these simple States Of Being you will live better. You can reprogram your thoughts, take a new perspective on things. See how everything is and can be beneficial to you, and with a ripple to others. The courage to follow your dreams takes strength, but being patient with yourself when treading new territory takes even more. Change your life today, with help from a Monster!

Stars And Mud: Intense surreal nightmare sequence with heavy atmosphere draws you in immediately. But is that truly what it is? Do you believe what you see? Is what you see the reality of things? Trying not to spoil anything is difficult, even though this preview is exactly that. It is the prologue chapter a far longer work. It ends right where the story begins, hungry for more. Intense images but, just like I noticed with her other zines (and even artworks) there are layers of comedy, tragedy, and a mirror image of our own reality. I feel like it gains potency by allowing us to see ourselves but with a monster's mask, eliminating our defenses, to explore vulnerability and interpret the imagery deeper.


Her creature that she draws just drew me in, fell in love with it, its just totally insane and whacked out of it's head looking. Do not be fooled by it's extreme visage, for it fits all types of situations and emotions, whether large or small, violent or loving. Just look at her Tarot Card artworks!

Now she isn't mainly or only a Zine maker, her main focus/talent seems to be with Painting. She has done small to very large pieces, been in art exhibitions, and even did a custom job on a motorcycle helmet! So if you're under the spell of her creatures you should grab something from her! A painting, a zine, or custom job you wont be disappointed!

If you would like to read an interview with her click HERE.
Another interview with her, done by me this time, will be featured on this blog very soon!

You can go view her Instagram HERE her TikTok HERE her Etsy HERE her Reddit HERE

Are you a Smol_BB fan as well? Do you own any of her originals or her zines? 
Tell me your story about how you met her, your favourite work of hers etc!
My Instagram HERE

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