Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Pumpkin Patch

Ever work a convention/event before? You'll notice most people balk at the prices if its above $1. It can be hard for a business who just laid down probably upwards of $50 or $150 just for the table (forgetting the gas at $6 a gallon to get to the event!) trying to break even and possibly pay their employees.

We (The RonDee Puppets Team!) had been trying to figure out a good $5 item as an option in between Peepers, Magic Worms, and Furry Pens being the $1 items and the actual puppets Bits ($3, magnets $4), Minis ($12), and Big Boys ($55) being our price range. We went through about 10 ideas that ended up being far too time consuming or ambitious for a $5 sale price, even if they were as simple as we could make them. It still required too much material or effort. 

At random I thought about doing my own version of Emoticons for 1.25 inch buttons (we own a pressing machine for that size) and since it was October I thought I would also make some Cardstock Cut Out Pumpkins which I drew up in a few days. Maddy ended up drawing a whole bunch of cute faces for the buttons as well, and I edited my full pumpkin drawings down to simple circles and took the bumps and groove lineart away and viola~ Buttons! 

The whole plan was to sell them at the booth, first we figured we would just put them in a bowl and have a sign that says BUTTONS 50 CENTS EACH!!! and see how people reacted to something under a Dollar. Unfortunately we immediately got sick right after Weird Odd Fest in Kensington and it lasted two weeks, we missed 2 events. 

In Conclusion: If you ever get stuck for ideas, still write them down and mess about. You never know what is going to come out of just random doodling. I was able to get two products out from a single set of drawings which I will call a Success! I always enjoy being able to multipurpose my artwork.

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