Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Halloween Haunted House Walkthrough (VIDEO)

For a number of years now we've been participating in our friend Kevin's Haunted House setup as 'Scare Actors' or rather 'Candy Distributors' since no one is afraid of a dog with rotten teeth and a fat guy with greasy hair. 

Porch Setup 2022

Our first time was in 2017 when he only had his Porch setup as a Walk In of maybe 15 or so feet up to his Satanic Tombstones, Huge Vampire, Stone walls with Pentagram flag behind him. The whole thing blacked out with thick Black Plastic on every wall so you didn't see much as you waited in line to come up the short staircase. Some kids would be far too afraid to go up, start crying and I would hear their parents trying their hardest to convince them to go. Some kids, like most kids nowadays, are completely immune and run right up to you for the glorious FULL BARS that we give out. 

The 2017 Porch Setup

I think we did two years with that setup before his normal job working as a Real Scare Actor at the NIGHT OF TERROR Haunt started landing on Halloween. This was a bummer because it was only supposed to be 2 years off, and of course Covid happened and everything just crumbled. And by crumbled I mean literally half of the setup Dry Rotted beyond repair!

Night Of Terror Crew Kevin In Middle Bottom

Kevin Figured for his comeback he needed to up the stakes and decided the entire First Floor of his house was going to become a Haunted House with a 4 Room Walkthrough. You start by going up 5 stairs to enter the Porch with the original setup of Pentagram flag and tombstones. You then enter his Front Door and go into the Living Room which is now turned into the Dungeon which had a zombie on a torture rack where you dig into his guts to grab candy bars. Then you went into the Dining Room where floating neon skeletons jutted out from the wall, usually grabbing/getting caught on costume pieces as you walked by. And finally you entered the Kitchen where there was a bunch of limbs, a skeleton, and an actor (I was in the kitchen for the comeback year). And once leaving you had haystacks with our carved pumpkins leading you to the path back to the street alongside a graveyard.

I don't have any photos from that year's setup so here is his X-Mas tree instead

During This year's version we had a few changes/add-ons. Kevin as a Pumpkin Demon took the helm in the Porch area. Now in the Torture Dungeon (MÖKA's Room) there was a Huge Throne and the rack was moved to one side. The Dining room (where I was this year) no longer has the jutting skeletons but has a Hall Of Heroes type feeling with costumed mannequins peering through castle-stone arched windows and an 8 foot skeleton holding the candy bowl. I was dressed in all black with a stahlhelm and chains across my chest and had a loose chain to whip the floor with. The kitchen now houses a screaming lady animatronic and body parts (and tons of red food dye.....I mean Blood).

You can see a Walk Through of Kevin's 2022 House below:

Each Halloween we get some new people, we get some people who have been coming since he started. His neighbours seem to really only know him for his Halloween attraction, which is hard to miss as 3 hours of Metal and Horror Movie soundtracks blast, animatronics talk at you, and a monster gives you candy. The rest of the surrounding neighbourhood barely sets up anything besides an inflatable or two and some x-mas light looking stuff on their porch railings. Luckily this year, only 2 houses down, we met a family who had only moved in 6 months ago and were ready to Go Big Or Go Home with a Halloween party this year. So we both checked out eachother's houses and made friends.

I think I may have to do a post just on Kevin and our Adventures with him, his talents, and his all around addiction to all things Halloween!

Kevin giving Kevin a 100 Grand Bar

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