Friday, October 28, 2022

Yeah But Is It GWARt? Part IV

Another Friday, Another Batch Of Dum Dum's GWAR-ITIATIVE Paintings With Commentary From Le Artiste~. While her artwork of the MASTER might be my favourite of the bunch, a close second would definitely be SEXECUTIONER. The expression, the border/background, it just shows the absolute Euphoria of getting a French brain transplant. 

This Monday she will be handing over the GWAR-ITIATIVE to the Scumdogs Of The Universe themselves. Finally this portion of her artist journey will be complete as a new dawn begins. What path will she carve out? Better follow her on Instagram and FIND OUT.

The next post will be the FINALE of this series but you can look out for an upcoming Artist Interview Two Parter I will be releasing on here which features Dum Dum among a handful of others.

I feel so bad I made Danielle's head a circle. Hair shading gets weird 
in a way I can't really describe. Maybe crunchy? I like the wet on wet 
for the fire background. The bloody tampons were a good choice for 
a border, they always make me laugh.

This is another one of my personal favorites. The recently made cuttlefish
 "fun toy” is on the border. There are so many things in the border I don't 
wanna spoil so I'm just gonna let you find them. I like the limited colour 
palette between the background and border. I wish I made the red behind 
the rose petals slightly darker/velvet to give Sexy a more lustfull feel. 
Sexy himself couldn't have come out better, I love and cherish him.

The only thing I wish I could fix is the fact one of the iris’s are squished. 
The saws on his head look slightly crunchy, but it doesn't really bother 
me that much. Honestly, this one came out almost exactly how I wanted 
it to. The background is also vaguely based of 
his chest when it gets fuckin ripped open.

Honestly, there's nothing bad to say about this one. I love her empty s
mile and lil buggy eyes. Wait, no, there is something bad to say about 
this one. SMUDGES. Both from the tongue and seaweed. Listen, I've 
got big gross monster hands, you can't blame me.

I wish I had made the cavities of the sabers skull a little darker to add 
more depth. The chest was so fucking diffucult to sketch out and ink 
without my brain short circuting. I also wish the pimples came out a 
more vibrant yellow as opposed to the unripe lemon colour. 
I do, however like the irritation.

For some reason, the body is WAAAY lighter then i would like. I generally 
don't like browns all that much, but I stuck to the palette pretty well. 
Expression and eyeball are based off something I drew on the side 
of a box I sent to the slavepit a while ago.

Oh boy. This is just plain embarrassing. So a lot of things were done wrong here. 
I was getting work done while extremely depressed, my passion was basically 
nonexistent, and I was rushing. So, right off the bat I made the helmet too 
light. For some reason, i remember being pretty afraid to make it darker so it 
stayed light as fuck. I also placed the shading layers WAAAAY to close together 
so shiding is pretty fuckin abrupt. I started running out of paint on one 
of the sausages so one of them is just jankey as fuck. 
Kids, don't feel obligated to work when you're sick.


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