Sunday, November 6, 2022

Tehlubs For The Ones I Love

The Aptly Named Sir Not Appearing In This Colouring Book

Making zines for yourself is always fun, selling and trading them is even better, but when you make a Zine (if I can even call it that!) for family members it becomes a whole new level of art. And this isn't just a zine, it is a Colouring Book! Who doesn't love interactive books? I know I always did as a kid and even nowadays as an adult. 

Tehlubs is an Artist who I discovered (or he discovered me) on Instagram and right away we bonded over Naked Men With Weapons and how cool zines are. I was sending out zines of mine for free, and he came in around the time Dying Race was released and I was trying to get reviews from people in exchange for a free set of them. He instead just bought it. He was the first person to ignore the Free Route. Mad respect for that! 

Anywho, I was (and still am) into Zine Swapping ever since I saw a few posts on reddit and especially Crash's Zine Swap. He said he wanted to make a zine, didn't, BUT blew my mind when he told me he made a Colouring Book for his siblings, warned me some of the designs are child friendly compared to his Usual Fare. He whipped one together for me and mailed it out soon after. We (scalenepumpkins and I) sent him as many zines as we had at that time which included Kriegshund Chaos #1, Kyooti Pies, Dying Race, I think I had a copy of the Corpse Carter vs Beefus zine and the Kriegshund Chaos button pack which his boy ended up taking a big liking to and now wears them on his school backpack. Yes. Children just ADORE undead dogs!

Below are just a handful of pages from the book with some editing to keep identities concealed. 

Have you ever made anything cool for your family or friends on this level? 
If so hit me up on INSTAGRAM and let me know all about it! 
I am very interested in hearing about cool shit people make!

Toot Toot

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