Friday, October 7, 2022

Yeah But Is It GWARt?


On a perpetual quest to find things which are interesting, unique, and amuse me I sometimes come across a person doing cool shit. This is one of those times. 

In a world of instant gratification bombardment, very few people actually take the time to hone their craft, take in every lesson, and strive to become worthwhile. I met a GWAR fan recently on Instagram called Derelict Dum Dum who is currently creating an artbook. A one off artbook showing off her improvements, experiments, and love for GWAR. Illustrating character after character. But the real kicker is it will ONLY be sent to the Slave Pit as a statement of not only her love for GWAR, but how by drawing their characters it helped her improve with each page. And in a world of constant Side Hustles where nothing can just be done as a labour of love, this struck me.

With a rough beginning it steadily climbs into her own style, which is what she was trying to find throughout this process as well. A mix of Inking and Watercolours you can tell it's her artwork right away. Most GWARt I see concentrates on being overly detailed and can become a cluttered nightmare, where her style allows the character designs to faithfully shine though in an albiet rounded way, which honestly reminds me of 25 cent toys from a local supermarket (remember the rubber ninjas?!). 

A part I feel shines here is her border work on many of these, giving context to each character's personality. If you check her Instagram you can see some more recent ones such as Sexecutioner who has a hilarious border. The colour choices, the softness, the cartoonish nature, the borders are all part of a cohesive style that is unmistakably hers. 

Below we have the first batch of Artworks (I will be featuring the entire book here) along with her own Captions/thoughts on each artwork.

Could have made the shading in the face/ jacket a little more darker, 
this is a common problem as this book was made when i was just 
starting to use watercolor. I also forgot his ears. 

Shading is basically non-existent in this picture. 
The void in his mouth also faces the pastelle issue. 
Smudges on the side were done in a fit of rage after 
spilling watercolor on it, def a bad choice in hindsight.

Pastelle issue is extremely prominent. 
Coulda done the hair more whispy-ish. 
Pose is kinda static. Other than that, not much to say

Also falls into the pastelle issue. Grease color could have been a lot 
darker and grime-y in general. I also hate the matching border and background, 
more could have been done like fries, soda, hot dogs, nuggets. 
A Lot of wasted potential here. I do although love the burger lettering

Pastelle issue is almost fixed here, but not gone. 
Shine effect with the mine shoulder pad and neck wrap could 
have had more depth to it. More rust should have been added to the bolts. 
The clown/ junkyard circus feel was conveyed perfectly here.

no. no. no. this one. I loathe this, there is so much wrong with it.
For one, i didnt know what the slaves of gwar looked like at the time.
I thought matt was the only one so i was completely oblivious
to maggot or muzzle slave. The background and border are just plain lazy
and under-decorated. Facial expression looks like some goofy ass
Quandale Dingle shit, as well as the open mouth effect.
The only redeeming thing about this are the hands and skin shading. Also crab tattoo.

Pastelle issue is also fixed here, but not completely gone. 
Everything gets kinda cluttered near the gauntlet and lettering. 
Should've given Matt more chest hair and blood. This is the first one I like! 
The running/ splatter of the blood patterns all look natural and organic. 
And the helmet is pretty true to the real sculpt. Also crab tattoo

not much to say on this one. I just feel neutral on it. 
I think there were some formatting issues with his face because he looks like a bug.

Remember to check back for the next post with another batch 
of artwork and watch as her progress develops over time!

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