Friday, October 14, 2022

Yeah But Is It GWARt? PART II

Now It's Time, Almost Time For Another Installment Of Derelict Dum Dum's GWAR-ITIVE Book.
Another Batch Of The Seemingly Endless Universe Which GWAR Produces On A Daily Basis Is 
Presented Here As Is Her Thoughts On Each Piece. Little Easter Eggs Pop Up In This Batch. They Will Make You Laugh, Cry, Shid N Pizz. 

In This Batch You See Her Borders Improve As Well As Anatomy, Although At Times A Bit Wonky Here And There. I Was Actually Speaking To Her During Bonesnapper Over Instagram So The Finale Is Extra Special For Me. Around This Time I Began To Learn Her Process And What Her Plan Was For Her Artbook.

And Since Then I Have Met Her In Person And Witnessed Each Artwork (On The Thickest Fucking Paper I've Ever Seen) With It's True Vibrant Colours. The Camera Unfortunately Degrades The Quality Really Bad. On The Next Post I Will Reveal The Presents She Bestowed Upon Myself And Scalenepumpkins!

The pastelle issue is mostly fixed. I just wish I had made his skin
a slightly darker/more vibrant green. Other than that, I fucking love
this picture so much. I feel it's extremely accurate to the
newer lil fella.  The old don sculpt is also in the background.

Immediately, you can notice his eyes and mouth are slightly wonky.
Due to this, it looks like he has had a stroke. Border is supposed
to be lava rocks with magma occasionally peaking through the
gaps but it doesn't really come across as such mostly due to the
pastelle issue. Other than that, I feel I portrayed his vibe
pretty well with the lettering and tentacles.

Dr. Mr. Mrs. Prof. SkulHedFace:
Something about her eyes are way too off/creepy to me.
Generally I don't like this one, I just REALLY cannot get behind it for some reason

There is NOTHING I don't like about this. This is the one I fucking nailed!!
From the font to the background, to the shading, I love it all! Sawborg is
on the screen flippin ya off and the keyboard says “FukU” in the 3rd row of keys.

Another glaring case of the pastelle issue. I also hadn't  had a
lot of experience with mixing skin tones at the time so I was
extremely cautious to the point where it impacted my better
judgment. The news clippings to the left side read His name
as “Bobert Zypgski” I now realize I spelled ZipperPigs last
name wrong :). The news clippings to the right say “lol you are gay Bitch”.

Pastelle issue AGAIN is apparent. The depth to his mouth is pretty
good in my opinion though. Not much else to say.

So some explaining is necessary. There as you might be able to tell
is a big jump in quality. That's when I took a huge break to brush up
on my painting skills (pun intended) and god damn I came out the
gates swinging with this one. I couldn't be happier with his skin
colouring. The only thing I would change is the pattern behind him
to have a tarnished gold look.

That concludes today's broadcast!


Dum Dum Will Be Coming Over For An Afternoon Of GWAR Films (Phallus And It's Sleazy)
And Will Be Teaching Us Her Method Of Watercolour Painting!
So Be Sure To Check Back For A Nice Big Post Documenting That Experience!

Have you read the other episodes yet? 
Yes? No? 
Click The Links Below!

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