Saturday, July 30, 2022

Paper Dolls TTRPG Zine

Is it a Zine? Is it a Card Game? Is it fucking STUPID? Not sure, let us explore further!

This time around, keeping with unique experimental zines, I present to you part game, part zine, part paper dolls.....


- Includes 8 Cardstock Figurines that I X-Acto knifed from 110lb Cardstock

- 8 Double Sided Info Cards also from 110lb Cardstock

With A Description On The Front And Table Top RolePlaying Game Stats On The Back Which Are System Agnostic!

These are all characters of mine from upcoming mini-comix/story books I am going to be releasing, so they can be a fun supplement for those projects. But I also hope to spark your imagination as well by giving you a short description of the character and some basic Stats that can be applied to any roleplaying system. And just see where you go from there, what adventures you come up with, and hear your exciting moments with my darling paper warriors!

Pond Scum is a character created by Maddy Meek, you know her from THIS POST.

IF you got yourself an imagination, these could be lots of fun!

IF you lack imagination, THESE COULD BE YOUR ONLY HOPE!

PRICE : $5.00 + $1.00 Shipping

EMAIL: beefusvongriefus1889 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

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