Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Orange Zeppelin: Brain Fart Comix And Beyond

Jameson, Rambo Knives, And ART

A long while ago, in the dimly lit past I somehow discovered this art account (more than likely through some zine hashtag of sorts) and it was none other than the incredibly talented ORANGE ZEPPELIN!!!! I was lucky because by then she had released her first issue of Brain Fart Comix. I ended up seeing her hand painted GWAR - America Must Be Destroyed / Phallus In Wonderland GWAR vs The Morality Squad skateboard and was totally obsessed. 

Doesn't Get More SEXCELLENT Than This~

There are so many other paintings I absolutely love though whether it's Vermin Supreme, Skul Fukka, The Fighting Uruk-Hai, Death Dealer Backpatch, Zatz The Prince Of Bats, Celtic Warrior OZ 2022 Version and so many more.

Celts vs Orcs Banner For Websites N Shit

I remember being impressed after seeing either a story on Instagram or maybe from one of her Vlogs, her drawing the comic book page layouts/panels by hand, using a ruler instead of just using a template or digitally. Considering this was not a 45+ year old, this is not common and only intrigued me further. At this time she was doing (I think) Gobliterated and Woah Awesome Space Babe (which was Patreon Only at this time). Gobliterated strips were fairly simplistic, so I think she might have been mapping out some Woah Awesome or something from Brain Fart Comix, dunno, it was K O O L. I think this was a reason we started talking too.

Da Boiz

Gobliterated In Hail Yourself Zine was unfortunately short lived as they disbanded. But many Hailz and Ave Sathanas's and other evil praises I can cast upon them, because the zines themselves were pretty cool aesthetically and had a few cool interviews in them, plus a fucking comic! 

Gobliterated is about a band, or a band forming, or a band doing something, mostly just Ragnar Facepunch and Grokka Pissboner. Grokka feels the most like OZ's self insert. Owns A Trumpet, Sleeps With Mouth Open, AND Skateboards? And I definitely wonder what a McGangBang tastes like, anyone know? Asking for a friend. Their band, FATAL QUEEF, goes through all the growing pains of being musicians such as learning how to play your designated instruments...from scratch...after starting the band. 

But all in all it's a great Fantasy Slice Of Life that is all a bit too real in a sense. Life getting in the way, you getting in your own way, and having a demonic dog as a mascot for your band. Relatable. With the Gobliterated strips a lot has to do with actual events in OZ's life whether it be covid after planning out your week, getting a job at a restaurant, celebrating Christopher Lee's Birthday with a marathon.  

One Of My Favourite Strips IT WAS THE BABOON'S IDEA

The art has simple lineart and seems mostly shaded with watered down ink, I've seen one where there was a Coffee Spit Painted With Real Coffee. Traditionally done comic strips are more my speed, as I am not too much into the super clean digital 'Webtoons' style that just feels neutered to me. Her other comic Woah Awesome Space Babe although far more digital, still holds the charm of her linework. 

NOTE: You can Right Click + Open Image In New Tab for a Higher Resolution view!!!!!

Issue 01 Front Cover

Issue 01 Gobliterated Strip

Issue 02 Front Cover

Issue 02 Gobliterated Strip

Issue 03 Front Cover

Issue 03 Gobliterated Strip
Below Artwork by WARHEAD ART

Now we make our way into the main reason for this post...Brain Fart Comix!!!

All Five Issues lookin' All Sexy N Shit

While these are mainly Comix zines the first two issues had a little bit of writing in them I definitely miss. Issue one with it's love letter to the excitement and visceral emotion that comes from your art supplies, or Issue two with a feature on Celebrity Nerds. It was fun to dive a bit into the artist's mind and what mattered enough to them to write about. I definitely motion for a return of at least one written page besides the intro!

Issue 01 I would say is Half Autobio Comic and Half Comix.  The writing portion is a love letter to the experience of art supplies, doing art, and immersing yourself into it. The part about purchasing new supplies and it feeling like a candy store was no joke, and the intense euphoria experienced is 110% real. Luckily 'The Origins' actually tells a short story and steers clear from the traps and tropes of those 'Adorakable' Autobio comics/graphic novels that litter the bookstores. 

And in the Comix section we have Night Of The Livid Dead which is about a band, pre-dating Gobliterated AND ACTUALLY CAN PLAY THEIR INSTRUMENTS as they are seen On Tour. Of course the debut of Sir Pete as well, you will love him, you have no fucking choice. 

Don't get used to this style because each issue becomes a different monster with it's own personality which can be good or bad. I honestly like it, it reminds me of GWAR albums, always changing, always experimenting, Rule Of Cool dominates the content, just like these zines. So not only is there a progression of art style, but a progression of style in general.

Issue 01 Front Cover

Intro Page, Index Card Drawing, The Origins

Night Of The Livid Dead

Issue 02 was definitely to me the D&D Issue of the bunch, and it only took her 5 pages to show one of her favourite things to do, put a fat dick in your face... albeit this one was behind a spikey codpiece. The Livid Dead get into some deadly shenanigans and some fearsome rejected RPG foes incase the monster manual is making you yawn. The art has improved from the last issue and of course the valiant return of SIR PETE. I do wish the Dicklump-In-Yo-Face comic went on longer. But I think the singular artworks and the D&D spread make up for that.

Issue 02 Front Cover

D&D Spread

Sir Pete At It Again

Issue 03 or as I call it The Frank Zappa Issue, I remember first seeing it and bothering her to save me a copy until I got the cash to buy it since I think it had already sold out and she was only pressing a few more copies. I always enjoy finding Zappa fans in the wild, and most times they are into a lot of the bands I am into that fall into Shock Rock/Comedy Rock such as Green Jello, Aquabats, GWAR, Haunted Garage etc etc. This issue was definitely The Music Issue and rightfully so with that cover artwork.

The issue was shorter than the two previous ones, but this was the first colour cover. I feel like the Brief History of Music should be featured in a legitimate music magazine because its so good. Now if you remember the intro to this section I talked about wanting the writing portion back? Well it sorta came back but in a Music Zine kind of way, an interview. There is also another great Mid-Zine-Spread that I didn't want to spoil, it is definitely the next stage up from the D&D spread in quality and lively action. Also Tits.

Some Fucking Mustachio'd Cunt With Baby Snakes

Intro Page, A Brief History Of Music Comic

Charros Of Rock aka The Outlaw Mariachi Interview

Oh geez Sir Pete....

Issue 04 was the second coloured cover issue, featuring everyone's favourite Sir Pete. How does this lil fella not have a Fanclub by now? SPC (Sir Pete Crew) at PO Box 666 Sloppy Bitchpole Drive Malibu Barbie 11209, send an SASE and a nude pic of yer mom and if its good enough I'll ask OZ to send a sticker of Thee Sir

Actual Sticker Of Sir Pete

But Yes, Sir Pete gets his own adventure this time, as the entire zine! Not just the last word! As fun as stuff like The Livid Dead was I found Gobliterated to be even more fun, although it didn't get proper zine or comic book treatment it definitely scratched that itch, and this time there is no writing whatsoever, but a full on character adventure makes up for that. You still get a beautiful spread, aliens, and even Joe's Garage! Time has passed and art has improved, OZ is always churning out stuff and experimenting/honing her style and it is shown here. 

Watch a review of Issue 04 by FERAL COMICS :::HERE:::

BTW did you see the actual working MAZE? Fucking COOL. 
But did you know you could easily just cut out Sir Pete from the page and make him FLY over the maze to the exit, whilst making swooshing noises and random opossum shrieks all the while, and beat the maze? Yep.

Issue 04 Cover Art WITH SIR PETE!!

Sir Pete In Spaaaaace

Sir Pete In A Maaaaaaaze

Issue 05 is the most current issue as of right now (03/07/2024) and although it is not a coloured cover it still has Sir Pete on it so all is well! It feels a little thicker than the past two issues. The cover definitely foreshadows one of my favourite parts which is the spread with the experimental panels. It is hard to talk about this without spoiling the storyline, so I would recommend just grabbing a copy. The art style remains the same as I think less time span between these two issues than the other ones. But like the last issue, you get an ending page with an interactive element! 

Sir Pete Stealing The Spotlight Again!

Experimental Panels With Sir Fuckin' P E T E

Sir Pete Colour By Numbers!!!!
Hope your low IQ ass can count!

So you've seen the paintings, the comix, the zines!!! Are you inspired as all hell? Well of fucking course she did the Big Brain Thing and made a video about making your very own ZINE! I recommend you watch it right now, and then go make your own so we can all go trade!

Now of course, because ZINES, we had to have a trade, and we sure did, TWICE! She was the first person to actually review my zines, and still remains the only one. So I give forever thanks for being so cool and supportive, you da best!

Of course there are other Zine Reviews she's done, Check Em Out!

You can find OZ pretty much fucking everywhere...

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