Thursday, November 16, 2023

MAIL DAY: The Glazed Rabbit Cards

 Anyone who knows me is aware that I SELL PUPPETS from a tent/table anywhere they are in dire need for googly eyed fuzzy things. At one such event named The Spooky Ukie Market we were slingin puppets left and right to all kinds of folks... Normies, Punks, Metalheads, Henson Freaks, you name it we hung out with em. But towards the very end of the day we met a group of folks totally nerding out on puppet stuff and two of them actually ended up working with a mutual friend/client No Master Lives / Josh Jones, so that was a fun discovery! Had a good convo, then they headed over to where ZORN was playing to close out the night with a phenomenal Spectacle of Evil music and visuals.

Skip maybe a week or two ahead and I saw a post pop up from The Glazed Rabbit who was making these cool linocut stamped cards to hand out to people at events, and I had just made a set of 8 Art Cards to hand out to people at events...using my HUGE BRAIN I sent a message and boom we were in a trade! I hadn't traded anything by mail for a while at this point so I was excited to get back in the swing, so of course I contacted others and a triplet of envelopes departed that Wednesday! 

Now I really enjoy promo stuff, business cards are fun when they have art on them, but its even more special when you go through labours of making a stamp with all the variables and mistakes that could happen. It makes each and every one that much more unique and special. Handmade is the best, always will be. You will see in the photos below on all the variants I received in my package. 

Maybe you wonder something akin to "What on earth does this Rabbit Who Is Glazed actually make?" and you can check out their page HERE and feast your eyes upon her sculptures which include French Toast, Owls, Tree Logs, Mushroom Homes, Tacos, Merrabbits and much more! 

If you know anyone making some cool stuff in a DIY kinda way LET ME KNOW!!!

My Instagram  or hit me up at beefusvongriefus1889 [AT] gmail [DOT] com

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